Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Drink Water Damn it!

So I was talking to one of our students, (who shall remain anonymous), and the student informed me that she doesn't drink water. Ever.

I couldn't believe what I heard: no water! Our body is made up of water. People-I can't stress how important it is to drink water.

If your urine is the colour of Jack Daniels, you're dehydrated. Your urine should be the colour of lemonade.

Whether you're going out for a heavy night of drinking, exercising, walking or whatever it is, your body needs water.

The first thing you should do when you get up every morning is "start re-hydrating yourself with at least 16 oz. of H2O". Bill Hartman of Men's Health also states that "German scientists recently found that doing this boosts metabolism by 24% for 90 minutes afterward, (a smaller amount had no effect.) What's more, previous studies determined that muscle cells grow faster when they're hydrated."

During your workout you should also sip water, the emphasis on sip as your body uses water much more efficiently this way.

So remember: sip water throughout the day, especially if you plan to train that day. The general rule is as least 3.5 liters of water during the course of a day.

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