Saturday, June 6, 2009

Your Date With a Personal Trainer Shouldn't Be a Blind One

When considering hiring a personal trainer the quantity of degrees and plaques he or she has on the wall isn't always a clear indication of the type of service that you're going to get. Of course you want someone that is qualified and knows what they are talking about but at the same time you want to find a trainer that is passionate in their approach to fitness.

A private trainers duty is to help you navigate through various exercise routines, help you achieve specific goals that you have set for yourself, and give you advice on nutrition. A trainer also has to be a great motivator, knowing when to push you and when to ease off.

If you're going to pay for private training you're going to need to have some sort of rapport with your trainer. Ask for a meet and greet--the last thing you want to do is spend good money only to realize that you don't even like your trainer.

For new clients I like to have them come to my training center and basically have a chat. Not only does this ensure that the potential client likes what I have to offer, but also ensures that I like and can help them as well. It's a two-way street. I don't want to waste their time and I don't want to waste my own time either.

You should never be charged for the meet and greet.

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